Sunday, February 17, 2008

Like father, like son

They get out of the car, the young guy and girl, and the older man. After doing this long enough, I can usually figure out the pecking order pretty quickly. I can quickly tell from the way they group together that the two young ones are married, and that the car is for them. I can also tell they know what they want. No looking around, no lost expressions. Just a purposeful march to the door, where I am waiting to say hello. It's a cold and rainy day, so that, combined with their attitude, means they want to buy a car.

I like it.

I wait for them to walk in the door before I say anything. People hate to be attacked.

"Hey folks, how are you today?"

They instantly tense up, even more than when they first exited their car.

"Good", the young guy responds.

"How can we help you today?"

"I've got a stock number here for a truck I want to buy."

My ears perk up and I get a little happier. I love a customer who has done most of my work for me.

"Great. Come on over and let me get the information on the truck."



"No, we aren't going to your office. Just go get us a price."

Right about now, I wish I was eating lunch. It never fails. No matter how polite you are to some people, they are automatically rude to salesmen. They want everything on their terms, and done their way, and they think being rude and arrogant will help their cause.

I smile politely back.

"Well, it's going to take me a few minutes to get the information, and my office is more comfortable than the showroom floor. So come on with me, and let's talk."

I don't even hesitate. I just start walking towards my office. When I go in to sit down, sure enough, they are all following me. It never fails.

I pull out my "Guest Information Sheet". I start writing down the stock number, and some basic model info. I fill in their first names, and ask them for their last names. They refuse. Same with cell number, email address, anything else.

I know people hate that. I hate giving out that info. But I get yelled at if I don't have it filled out when I go in to the managers office. And I don't like getting yelled at. But I decided it wasn't worth the fight with these people, and I excused myself to go talk to my manager.

Now, some stores, the salesmen can do the pricing and other stores, the managers do all the pricing. I've worked at both, so I know how to price cars and read invoices and all that stuff. A lot of salesmen have no idea about any of that, so I think I freak out my manager a little because I know all that information.

Now usually, at my store, the first price quote is making all the money, sticker price minus rebates. You'd be surprised at how many people sign up. I certainly don't mind. And before you get all upset, all we do is take rebates off sticker. It's not some hidden dealership black magic. Some people just go with it. It's not cheating anybody.

I knew that wouldn't work with these people, and I know we have been having a very slow month. So I told my boss that.

"Hey boss, I've got these people in my office, and they are hardcore price shoppers. I don't know what you want me to do, but they are going to be a pain as far as pricing."

"Not today, I need the numbers. We need to sell some cars."

So he takes the stock number, and looks it up. He tells me a price, and hands me an invoice, which is weird. He never hands salespeople invoices. I look at the invoice and the price he gave me. We are making a grand total of about $400 on the truck, which, by the time I get paid and the clean-up crew gets paid, means we make about $50 on the truck. It has been a slow Saturday.

"Here, take the invoice and go out there and tell them this price and show them the invoice and make a deal."

"Yes, sir."

I can do that. My previous store was a volume store. Forget making money on each car, just sell one and go get another.

I go back in the office and hit them with the price. His mouth gapes open a little and his wife's eyes get bigger. I think they like it.

"Whoa", he says. "We weren't expecting that. Can we go talk for a minute?"

"Sure, take your time. I'll be right here"

I love it. They are in. It's a mini (minimum commission) deal, but oh well. It was quick and easy. I am rather happy. It feels good to sell a car.

They break up their meeting and come back into my office. Apparently, the older guy is the father of the young guy. I guess he there for advice and support. The couple is too young to have bought many cars.

The young guy looks at me. I am expecting to hear what a great deal it is and where can they sign.

"Is that price out the door?"

"No, that's just the selling price."

Standard practice. Always give a selling price, never out the door unless they ask for it. Besides, most people know they have to pay the tax man anyway. It's not the dealer's fault.

"No, sir. That's just the selling price."

"Oh. Well, we want that price out the door and we might do the deal."

At this point, I grabbed the invoice and explained how to read it to him. I pointed out all the facts and figures, and explained to him that selling it at that price would lose the dealership about $1100.

"OK...but thats the price I am willing to buy it for."

"Well, then, sir...I think we need to look at another vehicle with a few less options to get to that price. That will be our best shot at getting to that price."

"No, I am not going to give up anything. I want that price out the door."

I couldn't take it. I just couldn't. I couldn't deal with this stupidity any more. Does this guy go into Best Buy and demand they lose money to sell him a TV? How about when he goes to the grocery store? Of course not. But it's perfectly OK at the car dealership.

At my old dealership, I would have just kicked him out. At this one, I let the manager do it. I went and got him, and he came and sat down to take a turn on the customer. At this point, I as a salesman shut the hell up. I don't say a word.

So he gets in there and starts saying the exact same things I said. Not quite word-for-word, but close. As the son is about to open his mouth to make his ridiculous demand, his dad finally says something to my manager.

"You damn salesmen are all alike, all you do is lie."

He points to the invoice.

"All that is a made-up sheet. You're making tons of money here."

(It's not and we aren't)

And that's it. My manager shuts down. He doesn't quit talking but I can tell any negotiations are over. They go back and forth for a while, but it's obvious neither one is budging. Finally, my manager writes his price on the invoice and tells them that is it. If they want the car, that's the selling price. The kid still insists on that price out the door. My manager gets up and says "Thanks for coming in, call me if we can do business in the future" and walks out.

I just look at them, and they look back at me.

"Last chance" says the kid.

"You folks have a nice day", I respond.

They get up and leave. I follow them out and wave goodbye.

One of the other salesmen looks at me and asks "What happened to your customers?"

I looked at the car driving away and think how miserable they must be, so afraid of being cheated they can't see the plain truth when it is right in front of them.

"Customers are people willing to buy a car."

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